Aug 15, 2006 23:43
So, with the exception of the last five days, today was one of the coolest days ever!
It started with getting to uni a little bit too late for my first maths test of the semester, but not to worry, i answered all the questions with enough time at the end to relax. I'm pretty sure I got somewhere in the mid 80% range. I'm happy with that considering the maths isn't my strong suit. After that I had a couple of lectures for both maths and physics, not much really. Once class ended, I had my meeting with Siva that went for 30mins or so. It was really cool to talk to him and unload everything about last semester and how our groups are much better this time than last. We pretty much just talked about our findings with PBL learning and the like. He said some really nice stuff about how I researched relevant things and even branched into areas I didn't need to go to, but really would help in improving my marks by showing initutive.
After that I headed into the city and went to the state library like usual. Bon rocked up with her friend Laura and we did some study before coming to the conclusion that we really weren't in the mood for doing work. At this point we made a little trip to Jaycar to get some audio cables and then headed to $5.50 chinese. On the way Laura went home so the two of us had a nice little 'romantic' (well, i'm considering anything we do together as romantic) dinner before going to our favourite crepe place for dessert. We sat around outside the front of the library for ages just talking about random stuff, a nice little chat :). We managed to get to our lockers before the library locked up for the night and caught the train home when I drove her home from Mordi.
That sums up a wonderful day (oh and james, you're a god).