Oct 05, 2010 22:00
I've already mentioned how crows are my favorite birds, but that doesn't mean I don't like other kinds of birds as well. I have a roommate who really likes owls, and I do too - I really want to see that new "Legend of the Guardians" movie. :) I just think owls are adorable, especially barn owls.
The Catch - 22 here? Owls and crows have always been enemies. This is why Jeremy is so frightened at the thought of entering the Great Owl's chamber in The Secret of NIMH. According to folklore and animal behavior researchers, crows will fool around with owls during the day while the owls are trying to sleep (I'm sure the crows think it's all in good fun), and then, come nightfall, the owls retaliate by pilfering crows' nests and harassing them.
Although crows are my favorite birds, I've tried to be the bigger person in the whole ancient Crows vs. Owls feud, and I've done my best to remain impartial. I've actually seen Youtube videos telling folktales about the trials suffered by murders of crows beseiged by flocks of owls who harrass them and make off with their eggs and nestlings during the night. However, I'm wise enough in the ways of crows to know that they are predisposed to mischief and playfulness - things that would most likely irritate drowsy owls who probably wish that the crows would just leave them alone and let them sleep. There's two sides to every story, after all.
And speaking of there being two sides to every story.......
I was once in a Borders store where they were promoting the "Legend of the Guardians" movie. They were selling little plushies based on the movie's main players - Soren, Gylfie, Digger, and Eglantine - and, of course, had a spread of all the novels in the series that the film is based upon. I figured that as long I was planning on seeing the movie when I got the chance, I should at least read parts of the books. So, I picked up the second book in the series, and flipped to the chapter that mentioned something about crows in the title. "Oh, cool," I thought to myself, but as I read further, I was so put off by the way in which the owls speak contemptuously of the crows that I finally just put the book down. Maybe I was just over - emotional that day, IDK. What I'm trying to say, though, is that the conflict is never going to be reconciled unless both species decide to be more mature and let go of ancient grudges.
LOL, I'm sorry if that doesn't make any sense - this is the kind of stuff I write when I'm sleep - deprived and need to go to bed already, LOL! So, off I go to my cozy bed to snuggle amongst my majestic, protective raven and crow plushies.....I'm completely impartial, I really am, LOLOL!
legend of the guardians movie,
get along,
i like both