Tomorrow kame going to be on arashi show..set your alarm guys :)
Jnet already updated on the new Marching J clip.KAT-TUN only got one new clip.Clip duration is 4:25.
There's no update on bemu diary for 14/10/2011..busy day i guess..with all the PC and filming.
More on bemu filming:
so apparently today they were shooting at ibaraki. I supposed this was done after the PC.
anyway, tv pia twitter have been tweeting about bemu and i will put here some of the main tidbits :)
fuku kun said he is the 1st grader, ann the 2nd grader and kame the 3rd grader and feels like a grown up when he is actually only in elementary
and he said also about wanting to have christmas and holloween party :)
and they also got their own bemu pose (bending the middle and ring finger) and said "youkai" :) if u guys recall they did this in their recent interview :)
this pose :)
andd..the price of the cider drink is 294円 including tax XD whoever wrote the sale page is funny..said something about the color of the cider is bemu green blood. The water going to be on sale next friday (21/10/2011) via nitteleya and nitteleya web (nitteleya is like online seller of foods and goods by NTV)
*btw, feel free to share any jweb pic that i have at somewhere locked..not in tumblr/twitter. No credit. Do not direct people to this lj