moar bemu ~~~

Oct 14, 2011 00:18

and so the bemu diary started today :) Fuku is sooo cute :)


I think this kid reallyyy had soo much fun with ann and kame..aww..i feel like i want to squish the three of them right now.

ueda jweb today. (btw, feel free to share any jweb pic that i have at somewhere locked..not in tumblr/twitter. No credit. Do not direct people to this lj)

it seems that kame going to be on a program called 秋の新番組大喜利祭り [aki no shimbangumi ohgiri matsuri]. I am going to watch any kame drama promo now :) the one i am excited rn would be kamexarashi ones XDDD

regarding to bemu cover song by kame,ann and fuku...this sakita hajime guy tweeted about it :) He apparently is a composer and all and said the recording of the song was at osaka..hmm..

and for the past few days (well..make that weeks) KAT-TUN and kame name again topped the search engine at NTV site :) thanks NTV~~

kame message at orisuta blog

and plumerika here's 2 of the previous jweb/ole that i like best :)

(btw, feel free to share any jweb pic that i have at somewhere locked..not in tumblr/twitter. No credit. Do not direct people to this lj)

ueda birthday gift :)

and btw guys, don't forget about our pre-order sales for BIRTH. We're currently looking for UK seller to help us :) Let us know if u can help out :)

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