"Mommy's fine, just eat. Daddy just got a little angry. Just eat."
I still haven't seen it, but I'm not sure if I really want to. But I didn't hear Naomi getting yelled at that bad. All I heard was Lily say fuck you too or something and her say, aww I'm sorry. But not a big deal. So it only seemed like Lily Tomlin bitching until David O Russell freaked out and went ballistic. :\
LOL. That's exactly what I thought about when I wrote this.:)
Yeah, he really only loses his shit with Lily, after she lost her shit with other people(poor Dustin Hoffman). But the rest of the cast and crew had to sit there and watch. So I feel just as bad for them. That's hella awkward.
OMG I KNOW! I hate being around people who fight, I never know what to do. Am I supposed to ignore it and go on or intervene or what? Egh, I hate that. I've never been around a fight that bad so I can't even imagine. I liked Jason finally just walking out though
Seriously, I felt really bad for Dustin Hoffman, I don't think he did anything :(
I just kind of look around, see what everyone else is doing and do the same.
Me too. I kinda liked her just because, but she seemed like unnecessarily (I think I spelled that wrong) bitchy. To everyone. The director I could understand, but she just yelled at everyone.
I still haven't seen it, but I'm not sure if I really want to. But I didn't hear Naomi getting yelled at that bad. All I heard was Lily say fuck you too or something and her say, aww I'm sorry. But not a big deal. So it only seemed like Lily Tomlin bitching until David O Russell freaked out and went ballistic. :\
Yeah, he really only loses his shit with Lily, after she lost her shit with other people(poor Dustin Hoffman). But the rest of the cast and crew had to sit there and watch. So I feel just as bad for them. That's hella awkward.
Seriously, I felt really bad for Dustin Hoffman, I don't think he did anything :(
Yeah, poor Dustin. That sort of made me dislike Lily Tomlin. I mean, come on, don't say that to my bb.
Me too. I kinda liked her just because, but she seemed like unnecessarily (I think I spelled that wrong) bitchy. To everyone. The director I could understand, but she just yelled at everyone.
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