<--- that's the best picture I could find
I miss her. It makes me sad that Michelle turned into such a starfucker hobag. Seeing pictures of her all kissy faced with Lindsay Lohan and riding up on Pete Wentz(I'M NOT JEALOUS!!!!) make me dry heave. I had always thought she was above that. She seemed so much cooler and smarter.
But I can't hate her. Only because I could never hate Nona F. Mecklenberg or Harriet the Spy. And reading interviews with her, she actually does come across as fairly intelligent and well spoken. Plus, she likes Muse, and her dad was Iggy Pop. So I'll give her a pass. I guess she could have turned out worse. I just hope she cools it a little with the hobag-ness.
And might I say, girlfriend has definitely grown into her looks:
I know a lot of people say she's weird looking, but I'd stab my grandmother in the chest to look like that. Hell, I'd murder a puppy with a plastic picnic spoon just to have her skin.