Like these fine people: I highly enjoy that Marilyn Manson is "dark gay". Even though that's not as lol-tastic as "really gay" in parentheses beside Elton John's name. Which still doesn't top the hilarity of Kansas being on the list. I could give them a tiny bit of credit for putting Sufjan on there, but I will do no such thing. I'm not all that familiar with the Dresden Dolls, but doesn't the dude wear makeup? I figured that would be considered "omgz! gayz!". Cyndi Lauper has a song about masturbation. Maybe not so kid-friendly. POD and Evanescence are "safe", but they both have songs about death and suicide, even though the Spores(who?)are considered dangerous because they "endorse suicide". Hm.
These people even advertise C.H.O.P.S. A new program devoted to "changing homosexuals into ordinary people". Oh dear.
Speaking of teh gayz, Pete Wentz is still totally fuckable. Yes/yes?