This music is distracting me...

Jan 26, 2008 08:19

I don't know why, but whenever I have headphones in, I can't concentrate on anything other than the headphones. They're so insistent. Like, "No! You can't pay attention to the computer! You're listening to music right now, and that's all you'll be doing!" in a very gruff, headphoney-type voice. Or maybe it just superimposes itself into the music. The lyrics suddenly change into a very catchy, but very annoyed headphone diatribe. Or something. I dunno. It's too early to be doing this, in my opinion. I don't think my brain is actually on duty till 9, which is why I never schedule a class before 9:30. It would be suicide.

But yes. There was no hope of sleeping any longer, because, even though I had my headphones in, Lilly was still hovering over me like vulture-dog. You see, even though I couldn't hear Mango throwing a tantrum downstairs, she could. And she wasn't about to let me sleep through it when she couldn't. That butt. So here I am, typing on livejournal and making brownies because I forgot I was supposed to contribute something to the bake sale, which starts at 10 today.

I feel like there are a lot of run-on sentences going on right about now. My brain is dying. I think I need to go douse myself in cold water or something...
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