Jan 04, 2008 09:38
No, I am not missing my home. Notice how I put a space between the two words. Yes, I am at my home, feeling sick enough not to go to work. Well...I suppose I could have toughed it out, but I really didn't feel like it today. So, I was just sick enough to not want to tough it out. So there. Instead of spending the day from 7am to 2pm watching old ladies work out, I get to spend it doing whatever I want! As long as it doesn't aggravate my stomach. So far, I have spent it sleeping on the couch and waking up to watch the occasional cartoon. Oh, and letting Lilly inside and outside, inside and outside, since she is such a friggin' indecisive dog.
Speaking of dogs. Mark and I get our new puppy a week from today. Exciting, eh? I'm not too worried, since we've recently dealt with all the puppy quirks, and we remember VERY well how to deal with them. Plus, golden retrievers are supposed to be even more chilled out than labs. Waaay more chilled out. The only thing I'm worried about is Mark's mom. She might just skin us alive. She did buy me a couple of really cute sweaters as an early birthday present last night, though. ($12 for two sweaters from Younkers! Their sales are amazing right now!) She is really a nice lady - I don't mean to make her sound like an ogre - but she has her moments. Usually they occur when she feels like critiquing our decision-making. Wow. I am having a load of trouble spelling things correctly today. Just be glad I took the time to correct them, so you didn't have to see me spell decision as "descition." Wow. What a deviation.
Oh yes. I saw Sweeney Todd the other day. While it shocked me a little bit (since I wasn't expecting it to be quite as gory as it was), I really liked it. I dunno if I'll see it in theaters again, I'll definitely buy it when it comes out on video. Some of those songs are so cute. And Helena Bonham Carter was really great in it, too. So was Johnny Depp, but that's a given. I think my favorite songs are: "Worst Pies in London," Mr. Pirelli's Miracle Elixir," "Epiphany," and "By the Sea." So yes. Lots of them are my favorites. The little boy who plays Toby is adorable! I feel so bad for him! And the guy who plays Borat is Mr. Pirelli. I didn't know that. My older sister leaned over to tell me. Hah.
I'm not going to tell you what I thought the 3 scariest parts of the movie were until I find out if you both have seen it, or are planning to see it, or whatever. So there.
Man, I am craving pizza, which is odd...
I'm also craving to write, but I haven't really been able to lately. I've just been feeling so overwhelmed by life that it's been hard to sit down and concentrate. Maybe I should just force myself to do it... But I hate sitting down and forcing myself to write second-rate crap, and then feeling like I can't rewrite it, because...well, I don't know why. I just have some sort of complex about starting things completely fresh. I always end up recopying the crap and trying to tweak the sentences to make it better. It doesn't usually work. But there you go. That's writing for you. Probably one of the most frustrating things ever... Why else would we love it? I don't think I would love it as much if it were easy. Do you?
I registered for classes yesterday, and, keeping in mind my cramped schedule, I only registered for two classes. NINE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN EFFING DOLLARS!!! FOR TWO CLASSES!? Man, that made me mad. And $300 is due next Thursday, the other 600 being due by the middle of February. I haven't had a chance to do the FAFSA thing yet, so I have to get that done soon. Maybe I'll luck out and get some grants. I don't really want anymore loans. I mean, I don't have much in loans, but loans make me nervous. I hate the idea of being in debt. Although, Mark and I do have a crapload of credit card debt to dig ourselves out of. Yay! That's probably why I fear more loans.
Did I tell you that they declared my car totalled? Yeah. It would have cost $2,800 to fix, and it's only worth $3,000. So we're just going to cash in the insurance, pay off that loan, and my parents are letting me drive around my little sister's beater until it falls apart or I get a new car, whichever comes first. I'm betting the beater will fall apart first. But that's just me. And I have to drive that piece of crap up to the cities again on Monday, because Mark got himself scheduled to work and messed up the plan that he and I were going to go pick up my cousin from the airport together in the jetta. But no. Now it's me in the 16-year-old Escort. Yippee. I'm afraid. Maybe I should just ask someone if I can borrow their car or something. I would drive the jetta myself, but it's a stick, and I just barely learned how to use those. I'm afraid it would kill in the middle of the freeway, and angry semi drivers would kill me. Damn.
This is a really random entry, isn't it? Oh well. That's what I get for typing when I'm not right in the head.
PS: You may wonder why my emoticon is set to "cheerful." Well, I'll tell you: despite the fact that I am mildly sick, which causes me to throw up every now and then, I'm extraordinarily glad to not have to go to work. I need a different job. I have never hated another job so early on. Except maybe John's Foods. But then, who doesn't hate that job?