Jun 13, 2006 00:00
So, I decided that I'm gonna stay home for this whole week. Cause honestly, I'm so bored at school, and plus my cousin that I never see is coming in later this week, so I get to see her, and whatever. I needed a change I guess.
I went to New York with my family and Chris on Saturday, so that was fun. We went to the Central Park Zoo, and there were puffins with comb-overs, and it was fab. There was also a Hare Krishna parade down 5th Ave which was pretty swell.
Also, Fetal Boy keeps calling me. Which I guess I should be flattered by. But he just keeps talking incessantly, and the thing is, I kind of just don't care. Heartless? Perhaps. But I really don't want to hear about how this girl you broke up with is a bitch and you just want a real relationship with a girl who doesn't drink much and how you like to go to bed early and some crap about football and every other thing that has ever happened to your life.
And then there's this other thing, that I fucked up, because I have some kind of Teddy Geiger Disease, aka I always want what I can't ha-aa-aave. Also, sometimes I put too many syllables in one sentence, and try to turn off all the lights in the mall. Gah. So we'll see what happens there. Yay for sucking at life.