♕ neuf; [accidental video/action] (chip event part i)

Oct 14, 2011 18:08

[Tap tap.

Tap tap.

Very, very young eyes peeking out from rather pretty gold hair are inspecting this foreign object. He has no inclination that it's recording. The only thing that can record something in his time is a hand, a stylus and paper; or alternatively, a chisel on stone.

He leans back looking quite skeptical. This young boy is unamused, but ever so curious.]

Quid hōc est? Eh... [His lip sticks out and he backs away, dressed in the clothes as pictured in that lovely icon. He brandishes a knife, inspecting it, having temporarily lost interest in the strange lit device.] Lupa! Qui vir odiosus!

[THIS KNIFE WILL HAVE TO DO. But, next door, a THUMP can be heard. The child turns and even over the communicator one can easily hear a very British:]

--Oh bugger! Where's he gone to?

[Gaul's face splits into a childish, highly amused grin and he laughs quietly.] Hehe! [His expression turns playfully vicious and he fixes the knife at his belt--it's apparent now that he's in a kitchen, and he's looking for another knife.]

Flamma fumo est proxima, eh? [Temporarily satisfied, he crosses back to the communicator and peers into it. Something about it... it seems familiar. Clearly it's some kind of magic, but he taps on it again. He remembers like a dream--"use this"--

And-- Something else...

Something strange...]

... Salvē? Quis tu... ? Non... non intellego...

Francis! [A huff, the sharp shutting of a door, and approaching footsteps distract him enough to--well, they startle him, and he grabs the communicator, shutting it off immediately.]

[ooc: Regular text is ... Gaul, green is Rosemary/England.

Just as a note, I don't know Latin whatsoever, so I apologize to anyone who does know it. For characters who ICly know Latin, I'll provide the rough translation of what he's saying:

"What is this?" "Whore (she-wolf). This is boring." "There is no smoke without fire."

"Hello?" "Who are you?" "I don't understand."

Basically he does have his memories from Discedo, but of course they're more like dreams to him. Don't know Latin? Feel free to text him, the magic device that can send words will be an endless curiosity and of course text always translates. Expect typos and odd swearing. For the characters who can speak Latin, I'm just going to conduct it as "Latin" in the comment title (unless it's action of course) so I don't have to write it out or drag a scholar to translate everything for me accurately. LOL

ACTION IN DISCEDO IS GO! He will be wandering around/outside this apartment complex with a few knives but he is for the most part a nice child...]

mama's boy, fuck the police, he likes to stab things, !chip event, what is english

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