Jun 23, 2005 21:50
so im incedibly bouncy and hyper at the moment. probably because i just got back from Henry Edward Butt where i was getting groceries and walking around with a pen in my mouth talking as if i were charlie chaplin. so today i had my first of two days of dragon camp. the directions and exit signs were kinda vague so i ended up looking for the jiffy mart to turn right at on 29 instead of Williams Dr. well when i hit 183 on 29 i figured i had gone too far. so i turned around and decided i was upset. but i needed something to get upset at, but i had already had words with the directions, so i was upset with the speed limit instead. now i am usually a little bit of a speed demon ( traveling about 5-10 over the speed limit when traffic allows, but since the speed limit was the decided butt of my frustration i was doing about 90-100 in a 65. im not positive of how fast i was going because my speedometer only goes up to 85 but the little pointer-thingamabobber was pretty much horizontal pointing at my air vent so i figured it was around there. so dragon camp was cool. stacy(ryan) and kyle were the only other yearbook guys there. and my love celia was there. she gives amazing back massages and she drew some characatures on my back. also, breaking news, stacy(ryan) has a fake crush on kyle. so after dragon camp i had my second interview (requested by the manager after my first one on tuesday) with old navy. this is the one being built in wolf ranch in georgetown. wolf ranch is the shooping center being built that is about twice the size of la frontera. and i got hired! so i will be working at the old navy in georgetown when it opens ( the week of july 17th i think). i will make $7.25 an hour. whoop. and get some sort of a discount i imagine. its been a good day.