Oct 19, 2003 22:34
so this weekend was pretty good
i dont like how if i post pictures then i get a bunch of responses but when i post poetry i dont get much feedback
i spend and care a lot more for my writing than the way i look so its kind of a dissapointment.
anyway, things are going ok in my life
i think im getting addicted to ciggarettes and coffee :/
well not really but i have been smoking a lot more than usual
the people at deidrichs know me so well that i get 25%off now for no reason
and tonight...
this cute girl named stephani that i've been kinda crushin on was working and...
i got her number:) so i told her i would take her out this week sometime, i hope i get the guts to call her
i still miss her, and i will forever, and i know she reads this, and its really our only basis for communication
she posts stuff in her profiles and lj, but very subtle and ambiguous so i can't know for sure.
linds...if you read this i want my spoon CD back but im far to terrified to ask for it directly
p.s. i miss you
p.p.s. im still not ready to speak to you