Oct 25, 2006 20:51
mael·strom (mlstrm) Pronunciation Key Audio pronunciation of "maelstrom" [P]
1. A violent or turbulent situation: caught in the maelstrom of war.
2. A whirlpool of extraordinary size or violence.
Now now, it's no where near that dire. "Alone in the maelstrom" is a line from a song that's been going round and round in my head for a bit. Funny...maesltrom going round and round. No shit.
It seemsa as if all my friends here in LJ world are in good spirits: Stormy made a bad situation into a good one by getting the car she's always wanted; Alicia is off to Disney with her man for 11 days (I can't last a day at Disney, not enough rides); Stace is all in love and junk with her man; and Chad is getting himself hitched. Now I feel like I shold share some good news...but I don't have any. Sorry, my life is an infinite timeline of even-keeledness. Nothing extraordinarily good nor bad happens. Or maybe it's just a scorching case of apathy.
Chad the bride-groom has honored me by asking if I'd participate in the ceremony, and of course I agreed. We were talking Saturday and he said it seemed like we haven't seen each other in two months. It's been two years. Time's like that in the military; one minute you're crying on the phone to Mom and Dad that basic training sucks and the training instructors are mean to you, the next your roommate from Korea is getting married and you've got less than five years until you can retire. And it honestly feels that way. Some days I still feel like that snot-nosed Airman in Okinawa that didn't have the sense to shut-up instead of mouthing off. Except I have that mostly under control now. That or I can get away with it now that I'm all in charge of some things and junk.
I have a cousin on my Mom's side that is, well, being ravaged by cancer I guess is the best way to describe it. Before you start sending me the "I'm so sorry" and "I'm thinking of you" replys, there's no need. My immediate family has an odd relationship with my Mom's side; I didn't even know I had aunts, uncles or cousins on that side until I was 10 or so, and we've never been close. But that's a story for a different time. for now I just wonder what's in store for me and my siblings down the road. My dad's brothers all died of cancer in one form or another, one of my mom's sisters died of cancer, another had a stroke, and now my cousin. The odd thing is that except for my brothers needing glasses, and the piss poor hygiene of one of them, we're all pretty healthy. I'm gonna say "Screw You!" to fate and play in traffic. My destiny is mine. Haaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!11111oneoneone
One of my brothers is getting divorced. It turns out he could be on an episode of HBO's "Real Sex". And not because he's a porn star or anything, but because he's a freak. In a big way. Who'da thunk it. *BLech*
Speaking of the family, I'll be seeing them for the holidays. I'm not particularly looking forward to it. I'd rather work than be bored for a week and a half, and that's what's gonna happen. I love my family, don't get me wrong; but I can really only take them in small doses. In fact, my friends feel more like what I imagine "family" feels like than my actual family ever did growing up. That's sad to say, I know, but it's true. I'd rather spend the holidays with them than in Ohio and Kentucky.
This was longer than expected, and if you made it this far you get a cookie. go take the head off the pig's head and get yourself a Chips A'hoy. Bye for now.
Edit: We've got our first snow here in the biggest city in the Great White North. My second favorite season is officially underway.