Dairine Callahan

Jul 18, 2010 01:07

Dairine is tricky, but a beloved character. I can play her at about 15/16 years old. At 20/21, and at about 28/29.

Fandom: "Young Wizards" book series
Name: Dairine Elaine Callahan (Pronounced Dare-REEN)
Birthdate: Oct. 20
Age: It depends
Physical Appearance: Twig-like. Dairine takes after her mother, short red hair, gray eyes, and a body that could reasonably learn to dance. But she’s never been girly enough for that, preferring to learn ju-jitsu.
Education: Kid genius. Dairine taught herself to read at about age 4, though she’s not sure exactly how she managed to do that. Since then, she’s devoured words, reading anything and everything she can get her hands on. Despite her smarts, Dairine has always been something of a smartass, one of the reasons her parents never let her skip grades, thinking it would be better for her to be with people her own age.
Occupation: Student. Wizard.
Significant Other: None!
Sexual Preference: Boys..? She's rarely interested in anything but computers.

Character Biography:
History: (Continued from education.) When she was eleven, Dairine found out that her big sister, Nita, was a wizard. Nita had taken the Wizard’s Oath from a manual (entitled “So You Want To Be A Wizard”) and this propelled her into the world of dangerous magic - magic that was more like science than magic, because of how heavily it relies on the actual laws of physics and long, complicated equations.

Dairine, always headstrong and competitive, boldly snuck into Nita’s room one day and read the Oath for herself, becoming a wizard, bound to preserve nature and the balance of the universe.

However, while Nita’s wizardly manual was an actual textbook - one that always seemed teeming with new information without ever getting thicker - Dairine’s took the form of a laptop named Spot, probably attributed to her proficiency with technology.
Personality in seven words or less: Headstrong, impulsive, quirky, adventurous, brave, fiery, sharp
How Others Perceive Your Character: People often don’t take Dairine very seriously because she’s not very tall and generally isn’t very threatening. But take care because she can very easily punch your lights out.
Beliefs, Convictions, Morals: Though initially into wizardry for the fun of the interstellar travel, Dairine quickly learned about her duty to uphold the balance of power in the world, and her constant battle against entropy and death of the universe. She’s steadfast in protecting her friends.
Reason(s) for Escaping to Canada: Her calculations were off, and now she’s very stuck.
Their DHAs [Dreams, Hopes, and Aspirations] for Canada: Well, she’s fairly certain that she’s on assignment, and is going to do her best to assist!

Twenty-Questions for the Characters:

[Note: These can be one word answers or fragments. If any of you've seen Lipton's 'ITAS' you know how this works]

1. What turns them on: Uh. A well-written program? Does that sound weird?
2. What turns them off: You know that darkness that’s so dark you can’t even tell it’s darkness? That.
3. Would they see a shrink: We tried that already.
4. Worst Childhood experience: Okay, don’t tell anyone? I saw my big sister cry for the first time when I was three. Kind of stuck with me.
5. Favorite Film: Oh, Star Wars, definitely.
6. Favorite Song: Don’t make me pick! That’s so unfair.
7. Favorite Word: Run!
8. Least Favorite Word: Error.
9. Favorite Curse Word: I could say it, but you wouldn’t understand it. Wizard’s Speech and all.
10. Best gift ever received: Umm…probably my first computer. Since that’s what got me into this whole mess.
11. Sound or Noise they hate: Things dying.
12. Sound or Noise they love: Sound the universe makes when you’re in transit.
13. Do they know the answer to 64 million dollar question: Hah. Totally.
14. [Complete the sentence] ... All the world's a stage... and I’ve never been one for acting.
15. Did Yoko Ono really break up the Fab Four: Ew, Beatles.
16. Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee: Bruce Lee totally.
17. Half full or half empty: Full!
18. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi.
19. If they were a Jellybean flavor, which one: Umm…the red ones.
20. And, finally, if Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?: You did it.

Anything Non-Canon that's Going Down with your character:
I’m bringing Dair in at fifteen, which is after the most recent books, I think. There are time discrepancies in the books, seeing that Duane started the series in the 80s and has continued it on to present day with the characters not really aging much but the world around them is always current (i.e. the third book is set in ’89 with Dairine being eleven, but the most recent books have iPods)

dairine callahan

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