i have decided that, concerning matters with the lovely bass player with beautiful hair who was in my jazz camp group, i will call him. and ask him to a show in august since we both get in for free. this is a good idea, yes? i just need to find his number and cross my fingers he will be here that particular day and does not have a girlfriend. i can do this.
i went out to my grandmother's yesterday and planted ground cover for her by the grass. it was fun, i got very muddy and splashed mud all over the place. i got mud underneath my fingernails.
this morning my dad wanted us to go to the minus tides yet again and wake up at the buttcrack of dawn. i did, reluctantly. i took some pictures and slipped a lot. the weather right now before noon is absolutely perfect. it feels like fall. we went to the bagelry after. there is a man that goes there everyday and has a bagel. he won the lottery a few years ago. he is old and drives a porche. he wanted to date my mother, also.
i'm not sure if i'm out of the mode of not wanting things again. there's that ipod that i want (and getting thursday) and there's a haircut that i need. i want a job. but everytime i look through the classifieds under "p", nothing is ever listed for photo or printing. there was once, about five months ago for bay photo. i want to take driver's ed but the session that i could have gone to started last monday and during the next session i will be gone. i just wonder if i am ever doing the right thing or if i am setting myself up for failure. sometimes i just wish i lived somewhere else and lived with someone else. i'm sick about hearing people talk about weight issues and anorexia issues when we all have issues. no one is ever going to be happy with themselves so why don't we just stop this all now and go on with our lives and stop worrying about others and not make a big deal out of things and talk ourselves into making ourselves content. we are our own critics and sometimes i wonder if we put too much energy into thinking about other problems when the problem really isn't the problem. i am getting off topic.
happy one year anniversary, kylie's livejournal. it's been a long ride.