first things first, i have a confession. lately my mornings have consisted of just popping right out of bed right before 7:30 and turning on denise austin. gets my day started right! she is awesome.
on sunday afternoon, i saw napoleon dynamite. it put me in a weird mood after, but and i loved his lines. i even have a napoleon dynamite POSTER. take that, suckas.
yesterday i had a horrible morning. i cried and my stepmom called me to see if i was doing okay. i said i felt really unproductive so she offered to pick me up at my moms and to take me over to my dads to do some cleaning and organizing there. i cleaned out a bunch of useless junk and there is a huge bag full of old, gross clothes. i even found my pixies cd that i lost (i knew i left it there but i was relieved i found it). i framed two pictures to hang back up at the deli and we took them by there to hang them up after. she then took me home back to my moms house. she made me feel better.
when my mom got home we went to the jazz club (where i performed) and i saw this show for free because i am a member and played in the jazz camp. my mom was half price. the lady we saw was named karrin allison, or something like that. she sang and played the piano at times. it was a pretty good show. a little boring, though. i only knew one of the songs she covered. i ate dinner there, too, because there is a kitchen at the kuumbwa. i had the dinner special and god, it was so fucking good. i drank some of my moms wine and talked to her friend who works there and he talked to me a lot and he is really interesting and nice. he told me to never stop playing the piano. he agrees that terrel is a totally cool guy. but anyway, when the show was going on, this old lady with white hair sat right across the isle from my mom and i and she kept staring. seriously. sometimes she would stare for about thirty seconds. once i looked over and she looked down like she wasn't looking. and whenever the songs were over and people were clapping, she had this total man voice and she kept saying "hey, hey, hey" oh my god, it was so weird. during intermission, my mom and i went outside and the lady came out walking near us. god, i felt like i was being stalked so much. it's just annoying how like old people are surprised that younger kids are interested in jazz music or they wonder why such a girl like me would want to be there. i almost feel ashamed to be there. i hate how old people say how they think teenagers need to "grow up" but when they actually see a mature teenager, they act like what they are doing is absurd. ok, no one cares about this story of the stalking lady so i'll end it here.
this morning i went to the mall with my grandparents (on my moms side) and was completely uninspired. i hate our indoor mall. i could not find anything. after, we went to circuit city and i showed the ipods to my grandpa and i asked him if it would be possible if he could pay half for one. i'm going to ask my other grandma on my dad's side if she can help with the other half and i will pitch in some money, too. so he agreed with the deal and wrote me a check for half of the price of a 15GB one. i am so thrilled. i am thinking i can get it this weekend and it will be perfect timing because hawaii is just about a month away. after we went out to lunch at zoccoli's and it surprised me that they actually liked it. they are so picky about their food. i'm surprised that they actually agreed to go. i had an excellent lunch.
you are jealous because tonight i am going to go see spiderman 2 at midnight! (even though i am still sick and need to catch up on my sleep.) i am so excited, i am going to pee. i am going to make myself a shirt. i need to take a nap. ahh tobey! you are less than ten hours away.