case study

Feb 16, 2010 18:03

So while browsing the many design websites I tend to browse I stumbled across this case study for Life - Discovery Channel" ad. There's not much verbage but it's a very nice revealing look on the production process. Although the entire production process consisted of 95 steps these are the major ones allowing you to see how they take a design, bring it back, then push it forward again until everything is just so. It's not as simple as resting on your first idea. You've got to push things forward and reign them back repeatedly. Eventually you will land on something breathtaking.

It's another amazing piece and very revealing case study by the creative agency Ars Thanea and the team of Peter Jaworowski. Today they are sharing with us the case study of their latest work for Discovery Channel, and you will get a inside look of how it was done step by step.

Very cool. Check out Ars Thanea's site.


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