Thoughts after Season 6

Jul 04, 2011 22:26

Happy July 4th to all my fellow Americans!


In other news... Ever since the finale, I've been mulling over Season 6 and trying to put things in perspective. I think they did a great job of wrapping everything up at the end and really appreciate the careful plotting that went into this season. Specific thoughts about Castiel and Lisa are under the cut.

Castiel: Love how they handled Castiel in the first half of this season (given what happens at the end!). In 6x06, Dean confronts Castiel about his sudden lack of humanity. Castiel answers "I'm at war. Certain regrettable things are now required of me." Then in 6x10, Sam pretty much forces Castiel to help them locate Crowley. Castiel's ritual to locate Crowley fails (suspicious, and it's almost certain that at this point Castiel already knew where Crowley was), though, so they go to Samuel who sends them into a trap at Crowley's hideout. Castiel goes along, likely to make sure that Sam and Dean aren't harmed, but Samuel banishes him with an angel sigil. Sam and Dean are captured and barely escape being killed by ghouls--at this point, I don't think Castiel has made it clear to Crowley that he can't touch a hair on Sam or Dean's head. When they corner Crowley and learn that he can't help get Sam's soul back, Castiel helps Crowley fake his death. I'm beginning to think this was spur of the moment thing and that Crowley just "went with it" given the circumstances. After Crowley is "dead," Sam and Dean ask Castiel to take care of all the monsters in Crowley's hideout and Castiel agrees to do it. Pretty sure Castiel didn't actually do anything to the monsters at that point, considering his partnership with Crowley.

Lisa: Is Ben's paternity still in question? The demon possessing Lisa could have been lying when she said that Lisa had no idea who Ben's real father was, but I believe the demon in this case. I always found it a little hard to believe that Lisa had a paternity test done back in the day. Where would she have gotten the DNA for comparison? She claimed that Ben's real father was a tough guy in a leather jacket with no return address. Sounds like Dean to me, and even if she was talking about a real guy (other than Dean), could she have gotten his DNA for the DNA test? Doubtful. Will this come back to haunt us later? I have a feeling it will.

LOVE THIS SHOW. Can't wait til Season 7!

supernatural, episodes

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