Woop Woop,
I just had my 30th Birthday. That totally happened. Lets start from the last time I post.
Halloween Happened. The Movie I was in / edited / scored Won an award for best movie. Thats cool. Kim Beavers is way awesome.
After that I started working for Recycled Movie Sets, My friend Chase owns the company where we restore movie sets and resale them to companies instead of them throwing the sets away and new movies making new ones. Its way cool. Do that about 2 days a week.
In nov. I got asked to help create Lady Gaga's art gallery. So pumped We rented a store area in hollywood and turned it into Lady Gaga's Art pop Gallery. We had all of her costumes from her music videos and had Big 12x12 paintings of her singles on the wall. We had her dressing mirror that she used on tour as a mirror to paint clown makeup on yourself and had a Just dance instalation where you can dance with 2 of her backup dancers. Super fun. It lasted 3 days and a load of Little Monsters enjoyed it.
Click to view
The holiday season was really slow but we got to do Art Cruz event and that was fun for New Years.
Christmas Happened,
I went with my roommate Vinny to his church for midnight Mass. Totally changed my outlook on religion. I was already on the boarder then I saw a girl holding a star during the hole service as the paster told the story of jesus birth and the three wiseman looking at the star and ....
just seeing her switch arms as she held the star up in the air made me look at religion like that.
We are just holding our religion in the air for people to see. and for what. Just an eye opening experience for me.
bla bla bla nothing nothing nothing Now April is here.
So on my birthday weekend The blacklight team " me Jon Kipple and Debi Cable , went to Lucidity Fest. Super cool. It was in Santa Barbara We get there set up and started BBQ'ing we had some fun. And I turned 30.
after that I went to the coachella Valley where I helped set up a coachella party with my friends Jimmy Jeans and Jessie Hughes. It went very well. We camped and had a load of local band come out.
ON Wed was tachivia Fest . I met up with my dad and sharline at fisherman Market and got some tacos and Drinks for my birthday Dinner. It was great. then went over to hang with my Cuz Jason and we went to the fest. We ran into Puma and Orlando it was awesome I got to see them.
Got a little drunk and passed out at jasons house. PS. Jason met a new lady and they are getting marrieds her name is Sarra. she is cool. I wish them the best.
So the Sec. Weekend of Coachella the Jessie Hugh party was awesome. Orange amp ( fav amp company)Blue Mic and Asbury Park Denim sponcered it .
Super Fun times and super hott. on sunday Jimmy and I were over the desert so we packed up a day early and dipped.
Now I'm back at Debi's house and we are getting ready for the Spring Bewery Art Walk. Its going to be fun. I'm going to dress up in my batman outfit and body buff people.
Debi's new art is looking cool I cant wait to see what she pulls of for this one.
Ps. Its time to go Vodge again. and Ok Cupid / Tinder is on point now I'm 30 im in a new demographic