Dec 19, 2014 00:16

Soooo...I watched In The Flesh (ITF) BBC mini series, zombie genre but real different kind from The Walking Dead (TWD), I'm not comparing these two but in my neutral opinion both shows are the most fantastic zombie stuff I ever watched! TWD is more action packed but ITF is more drama packed, I enjoy and respect the difference between American n British films, both have plus n minus,'re the trailer, description and review...NO SPOILER

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It's about giving treatment to zombie and it succeeds. Then they are sent back to society, some accept some not, pro-contra drama stuff. The interesting thing is the zombie REALLY RISE FROM THE GRAVE in certain year and YOU WON'T TURN IF U'RE BITTEN...Now that's NOT-YOU-USUAL-ZOMBIE-FILMS XD Just google more, if u want^^

Story (8/10)
The basic is brilliant, most zombie films don't give cure or there's a hint of cure but it doesn't work out anyway. I think the writter is brave enough to produce from something zombie writter usually avoids. The story is interesting enough, there're some I can't predict and not realize till I watch it like over and over again, real good realistic stuff, few I can see through.

Character Development (10/10)
This's my fav point, esp how the main protagonist evelops his attitude about life and accepting himself. I didn't realize the romance 'division' till halfway to season 2 LOL. Anyway, I LOVE ALL THE DRAMA N WONDERFUL CHARACTER!

Music (8/10)
Some real good emosional music is on the background, my fav is You by Keaton Henson. I love almost ALL THE OST

Set Design, Make Up, Custom (9/10)
I can say almost perfect! Esp the make up! It really realistic and I love it. I even think the zombie is way good-looking and cool than the human LOL...The eyessss, gosh, it's so hypnotizingggg *did I spell it right? I don't care I love them so much

Acting (8/10)
Well you know, I prefer British actor acting than American, I think they're better actor and their accent is sexy, pardon me, this's maybe personal opinion...

In conclusion watch ittttttttttt!!! Highly recommend it if u like zombie n drama n angst!

stage: fangirling, public, tvseries: in the flesh, stage: intro

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