Title: Cold
hawkeyecatFandom: Law & Order: The Original Series/Law & Order: Special Victims’ Unit/M*A*S*H
Character: Mike Logan, Odafin Tutuola, Max Klinger
Prompt: 096. Writer’s Choice
Community: crossovers100
Word Count: 203
Rating: Older kids
Disclaimer: Now where’d I leave the paperwork showing I own them…Oh, that’s right. I don’t.
Author's Notes: I have what some may call a “bad habit” of using my Friends list. I say it gets them fic. This prompt was chosen by
housesvicodin (even though I didn't read my table properly and should have done New Year instead). My thanks, as always, to
sarcasticsra for the beta.
“I can’t believe this,” Mike grumbled under his breath. “It’s freezing cold, we don’t have a fire, and what’re we standing watch for? A hospital. Who’s gonna steal from a hospital?”
“A M*A*S*H, Logan,” Fin corrected him. “Don’t you know anything about the black market?”
“I don’t care about the black market.” He was on the verge of whining now. “It’s December, we’re in Korea, and it’s the middle of the night. If we’re stuck here, we might as well be inside.”
“Duty roster changes next week. You can stop your bitchin’ then.”
Mike glared at him, but before he could reply, heels could be heard against the frozen earth. “That you, Klinger?” he called.
“Here to relieve you.” Klinger had to be half-frozen. Wearing a woman’s uniform, skirt and all, should earn him that Section 8 he was still angling for, but Potter wasn’t about to fall for it.
“If you want some company later, lady…” Mike said suggestively. Klinger just rolled his eyes as Fin snorted.
“Come on, Logan. You can stop being a baby about the cold now.”
The pair headed into the mess tent, hoping against hope that the coffee would be, if not drinkable, then at least hot.