Title: I heard of a girl
sa_kunFandom: Supernatural, Harry Potter
Characters: Dean, Harry
Rating: Adult themes
Word Count: 1185
Prompt: 089, she
Summary: Harry has been cursed. The attempt at robbing Dean is not entirely successful.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Author’s Notes: Dean POV. Title from
this song by Miss Li. Contains adult themes, mentions of sexual themes.
I heard of a girlTitle: Walking on sunshine
sa_kunFandom: Supernatural, Harry Potter
Characters: Dean, Harry, Sam, Castiel
Rating: Adult themes
Word Count: 2684
Prompt: 099, reversal
Summary: Harry's curse is reversed. Castiel helps.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Author’s Notes: Dean POV. Spoilers from Deathly Hallows. Title from
this song by Katrina & the Waves. Contains adult themes, mentions of sexual themes. Continued from I heard of a girl (above).
Walking on sunshine