Title: Tilt Our World
Fandoms: Harry Potter and X-Men
Pairings: implied Harry/Hermione, Molly/Arthur, implied Cyclops/Rogue & Shadowcat/Nightcrawler
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Part of the
Life as Lily Evans series. Post AU!HP6/7. Mixture of X-Men Evo/Comics/Films.
Summary: Harry and Hermione try and deal with learning about the existence of mutants and what it could mean for their future.
Series Summary: When Lily died as a child, Mystique took her identity. What she didn't know was the fact that Lily was meant for something more.
Notes: Written for
galorechallenge prompt Hermione/Harry - magic, investigate, love, friends, newspaper, kiss, protect and for
crossovers100 prompt choices. Also my first fic in the
xoverland Big Bang challenge. This storyline was suggested by
dreamwind83 at
xm_hp, however I tweaked some of the details & its grown into a non-stopping series. This is OVER four thousand words. HOLY CRAP BATMAN. Just Holy Crap.
tilt our world........ )
Disclaimer: don't own either shows/comics/books/films.... I would be rich, H/Hr would be canon & Cyclops/Rogue would have ended up toegether... and a whole lot of CROSSOVERS would have happened for real IF i did. Which it doesn't. CLEARLY!!!!!!!!!!!