Title: The Gibbs Sanction
strangevisitor7 Beta:
idontlikegravy Fandom: HL & NCIS: Part of the Watcher!Abby verse
Prompt:#61 Winter for
crossovers100 my table is
here; Only 1 prompt left!!
Rating: PG
Characters: HL: Richie Ryan NCIS: Gibbs, Abby, Ducky
Disclaimer: All the characters you know and love belong to their creators. The titles are based on the Bourne series of books by Robert Ludlum & Eric Van Lustbader
Summary: Ducky and Abby have told Gibbs all about Immortals. Will he allow Richie to keep working at NCIS or have him arrested for using a false identity?
A/N: This is story follows
The Blaine Identity;
The Blaine Ultimatum and
The Gibbs Supremacy A/N2: Other Watcher!Abby Verse stories are
here The Gibbs Sanction