Title: Hell Hath No Fury - (3/?)
strangevisitor7Fandom/Universe: Supernatural (AU), Magnificent 7; In the Aces Immortal Highlander AU
ithildyn Prompt:: #93 Thanksgiving for
crossovers100Rating: PG-13 for violence
Characters: From SPN: Dean and Sam Winchester. From Mag7: Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Buck Wilmington, JD Dunne, Nathan Jackson, Josiah Sanchez and Inez Rocios.
Summary: What if Sam and Dean were hunters in the Old West? The Winchester are chasing something evil which is leaving a trail of bodies across the southwest. The hunt leads them to Four Corners and a meeting with the seven lawmen who protect the town.
A/N: This is part of the
Aces Immortal series created by me and
ithildyn. You do not have to read the other stories to appreciate this one. All you need to know is that Ezra Standish is Immortal in this story.
Chapter List:
Chapter 1;
Chapter 2;
Chapter 3