Title: You Can't Take the Sky From Me
Claim: Doctor Who General Series
Fandom: Doctor Who/Firefly
Characters: The Eighth Doctor and River
Word count: 483
Rating: G
Prompt: #015 - Blue
crossovers100 table:
Can be found here.
Disclaimer: The characters and situations portrayed here are not mine. Doctor Who belongs to the BBC and Firefly belongs to Mutant Enemy. This is a fan authored work and no profit is being made. Please do not archive this story without my permission.
Author’s Notes: When I started writing this it was meant to be the Sixth Doctor, but it turned into Eight along the way. Apparently, according to
vell_delarose, it can also be the Tenth Doctor if you ignore the cravat. :~)
The crowd flows around her and she drifts along with it)