Title: Methos and The Fearsome Five
ClarksMuse Rated: G
Fandom: Supernatural & Highlander: Immortal!Dean universe
Characters: Methos; OC’s - Katie Collins-Winchester , JD, Sam Jr., Jimmy, Josh and Robbie Winchester.
Prompt: #98 Writer’s Choice - Chaos for
crossovers100 my table is
hereDisclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators. The Winchester rug rats and their mom belong to me.
A/N: Katie is married to Sam. The ages of the spawn are: JD - 12, Sam Jr. - 9, Twins: Jimmy and Josh - 6, Robbie - 2. Other spawn adventures in the Immortal!Dean Universe can be found
here Summary: Katie is desperate for a babysitter and Methos is the only one in town.
You used to be Death. Don't tell me you're afraid to watch five small boys.