Title: Almost love
Pairing (Characters): Jet/Captain Jack Sparrow
Fandom: Crossover: Sapphire and Steel/PoTC
Rating: PG
Theme/Prompt: 026. Teammates
Disclaimer: Neither are mine!
Summery: You couldn’t call us a team I suppose…
A/N: Claim: Jet from Sapphire and Steel
You couldn’t call us a team I suppose… we’re more people who just ended up together.
We don’t hate each other understand, it’s just…
I suppose we resent each other, we all that everybody else has trapped us here and won’t let us go.
That’s ludicrous of course… but then you try telling several fully grown, super powered elements to get along.
The last guy didn’t last five seconds.
They aren’t my team-mates… but I suppose I still sort of love them.
Then why am I doing this?
This could harm all of us; this could get a great deal of us killed…
But as Jack finally lets out the snore that has been hovering all night I just have to smile, this is worth it.
This might almost be love.