Avon Saves the World Claim: Kerr Avon
Prompt: #72 Fixed
Fandoms: Blakes7/ Warner Brothers/ Doctor Who
Pairing: Avon/ Marvin the Martian
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. I have just borrowed them, and I will return them undamaged (more or less) with no profit to myself save the sheer joy of fondling them.
Warnings: Somewhat explicit. Hee.
Summary: Avon reacts badly to the Master’s hypnogogic drug…and worse to television viewing.
Progress: 11/100. My table is
Context: This is the SlutAvon100 - a more-or-less connected series of fics in which Avon gets laid. Repeatedly. By 100 different characters. And other stuff happens too.