Title: Just You, Me and the Stars
Fandom: CSI:NY/Miami
Pairing: Danny/Speed
Rating: PG/PG-13
Prompt: #46 - Star
Summary: Danny and Tim get away from the city to star gaze
Word Count: 1078
Just You, Me and the Stars Title: Back To NY
Fandom: CSI:NY/Miami
Pairing: Danny/Speed
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: #28 - Children
Summary: Set in the future. Danny and Tim have two children and return to New York to visit Mac and co. Sequel to
Two Men And A BabyWord Count: 2641
Back To NY Title: Me Or The Bike
Fandom: CSI:NY/Miami
Pairing: Danny/Speed
Rating: PG
Prompt: #13 - Yellow
Summary: Tim's polishing his motorcycle
Word Count: 540
Me Or The Bike Title: Could It Be Any Harder
Fandom: CSI:NY/Miami
Pairing: Danny/Speed
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: #30 - Death
Summary: Tim was visiting Danny in New York when he got called back in from vacation.
Spoliers: "Lost Son" and "Blink"
Word Count: 3083
Disclaimer: The lyrics used are The Calling's, not mine.
Could It Be Any Harder Title: A Quiet Moment Together
Fandom: CSI:NY/Miami
Pairing: Danny/Speed
Rating: PG
Prompt: #66 - Rain
Summary: Set in the future. There's a storm heading towards Miami.
Word Count: 822
A Quiet Moment Together