Title: Echo the Vampire Slayer
Author: Femvamp
Disclaimer: BTVS and Dollhouse belong to Joss Wheaton and Mutant Enemy.
Spoilers: None from Dollhouse - 6-17 Normal Again for BTVS. (and Possibly 3-3 Faith, Hope & Trick)
Note: I just couldn’t help myself with this one. Please forgive me.
“Mrs. Summers you know this might not work.” Adelle DeWitt said with all the sympathy a woman like her could manage, “You’re daughter has been in her own fantasy world for a long time now.”
“Yes, that is why we’re willing to try this.” Mr. Summers said frustrated. “I was told this could be arranged.”
“Yes, we can arrange it, I am just saying it is dangerous.”
“We want our daughter back.” Joyce Summers said simply, “We have tried everything else.”
“A friend of a friend told me about the Rossum Corporation and what you do here. Mr. Summers paused, “We’re not expecting miracles.”
“Can you do it?” Joyce asked simply. “Will you do it?”
“We will have everything set up when you bring your daughter to the location we discussed.”
“Her name is Buffy.” Joyce said as she stood up and shook Adelle’s hand, “You really are our last hope to get our daughter back.”
“So is she ready?” Adelle asked simply.
“Yup.” Toper smiled, “One vampire slayer coming right up.”
“We’ve done some ridiculous things in the past but this….” Boyd Langston said with this usual distain, “I don’t understand the point.”
“Our client’s daughter has been stuck in her own fantasy world for years now. We are entering Echo into the fantasy as a way to draw her out. Engage her in the real world, but first we need to reach her in her world.”
“A world where vampires are real?”
“And she kills them. Yes.”
“Wait is Echo going is a good guy or a bad guy?” Toper said way too happily.
“You are really frightening me Mr. Brink?”
“Just set up the parameters.” Adelle said as she left the room. “Mr. Summer’s is a gifted attorney. As a matter of fact he is the attorney of one of our shareholders nephew’s frat brother.”
“And making Mr. Summers happy will somehow in the long run make our little dark corner of the universe a little easier to live in.”
“See Mr. Langston you do understand.”
Faith smiled as she entered the little town that called itself Sunnydale. This was going to be a new start for her. From what she heard this was a vampire town and Faith loved vampire towns. Yes, she had also heard there was another slayer here but that was only a rumor. There was after all only supposed to be one slayer, and that was her.
Only her.
Yes, Sunnydale was going to be a new start for her.
She was going to have a little fun.
Cause a little damage.
Raise a little hell.
It was what she was born to do.