Title: Fate Twice Defied
Chapter Title: 22 - The Dark Lord's Wakeup Call
Fandoms: Harry Potter/T: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Pairing: Harry Potter/John Connor
Story Rating: PG-13
Chapter Word count: ~4,777
Warning(s): Coarse language, mild spoilers for HBP.
Summary: The summer following 5th year, Harry Potter decides to start looking out for No. 1, and that included a change of scenery. Meeting another boy with similar problems, was NOT the idea. xover with Sarah Connor Chronicles. SLASH!
Disclaimer: See first chapter
Chapter Summary: Machines attack Riddle Manor, giving Voldemort a scary wake-up call; the exiled Minister for Magic visits the Muggle Prime Minister.
Chapter 22 - The Dark Lord's Wakeup Call )
Table Of Contents )