Unavoidable Insanity; Part OneAuthors: junkiefornews
Rating: R
Prompt: "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
--from The Dark Knight
Disclaimer:This stories contains concepts and characters created and owned by, DPB, CBS, Paramount, DC Comics, Warner Bros. and others. I am in no way affiliated with these corporations, and i am not making any profit. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Word Count: 1,872
Summary: A Dead Marine. A Violent City. An Unruly Temp. Uh-Oh.
Written for Round 10 of the 2009 Knight vs Anarchy Challenge. Two-Shot.
Pairing: minor, minor J/B. Can be read as gen.
Warnings: crossover. Spoilers for NCIS episode 6x25 Aliyah. Director Vance may be slightly OOC. Violence, death, disturbing content
Sequel to
Unavoidable Debriefing (PG-13ish)