Title: Escape To The Stars (1/?)
shining_suicidePairing: Tenth Doctor/Jackson Rathbone, Jackson Rathbone/Rob Pattinson
Rating: PG - NC17
Genre: Drama, Romance, AU
Summary: Jackson attempts to take his life after a horrible break up, but can an encounter with a stranger give him something to believe in again?
Disclaimer: No pwnage, this is all from my imaginary place -- please don't sue my imaginary place, it's the only place I'm happy!
Warnings for this chapter: attempted hanging
AN: I really don't know where this came from, the image just popped into my head and I had to pet the willing bunny. Let's see what happens. Title taken from the Cinema Bizarre song by the same name. Post PotD.
Chapter 01; heartache for the innocent ~*~