Feb 19, 2009 22:20
- Title: Zoey 102
- Author: Klaus Schilling
- Fandoms: Drake & Josh, iCarly Show, Zoey 101, Unfabulous, Ned's Declassified SSG
- Rating: PG13
- Pairings:
- Zoey Brooks/Spencer Shay
- Dustin Brooks/Carly Shay
- Chase Matthews/Addie Singer
- Lola Martinez/Drake Parker
- Quinn Pensky/Eric Blonowitz/Craig Ramirez
- Michael Barret/Olivary Biallo
- Dana Cruz/Logan Reese
- Nicole Bristow/Nicholas Webber
- Josh Nichols/Mindy Crenshaw
- Megan Parker/Nevel Papperman
- Firewire/Lisa Zemo
- Fredward Benson/Samantha Puckett
- Ashley Blake/Jake Crandle
- Lisa Perkins/Harper
- ...
- Characters: above + many more
- Summary: Replacement for Season 3 and 4 of Zoey 101; Many New Pupils at the PCA
Zoey 102
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