Title: Plus Ça Change
fidesPairing: Krycek/Jack, Jack/Ianto, Mulder/Krycek
Fandom: X-Files/Torchwood (and special cookies to anyone who can id the other fandoms that get hinted at)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None really, a few hints at kink here and there :-)
Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine no matter what the little voices in my head might say ;-)
Summary: Alex goes to Cardiff after the Brit's death to meet some of the Brit's contacts.
Notes: I know that the timelines don't quite fit so I decided to fudge things a little because it was too tempting to compare Torchwood and the Consortium. This is set after the Movie (X-Files) and during the latter half of season 1 (Torchwood). There are a few general spoilers for X-Files and Torchwood but no specifics. In depth knowledge of both fandoms isn't required.
First published in connotations 2007 zine, now timed out. Thanks to
temaris and
moth2fic for the beta. Any remaining mistakes are own.
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3