Title: Not Looking for Trouble (3/3)
Author: Strangevisitor7
Beta: Thanks to
Pen37 for the beta and for Meta!Chloe. She really helped me get inside Chloe's head. So grateful!
Prompt: #60:Drink for
crossovers100 My Claim is Duncan Macleod and My table is
hereRated: PG
Fandom: HL, Smallville and SPN: Immortal!Dean ‘verse
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester, Duncan MacLeod and Chloe Sullivan, OMI
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.
Summary: Trouble has found Dean as he faces his first Immortal Challenger.
Chapter 1;
Chapter 2;
Chapter 3 The rest of the Immortal!Dean 'verse can be found in the
Immortal!Dean Archive Trouble Found