Chaos Unlimited: Chapter Four-- what an immortal mess Author: Patrick
Fandoms: Star Trek (DS9, TNG, TOS), Star Wars, Sea Quest, Knight
Rider, Doctor Who(Fourth and Ace), Original Battle Star
Red Dwarf,
Ranma 1/2: Ranma and
Knight Rider:
Kitt and a whole lot more.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: PARODY!!! X-Posted in
scifi_un_ltd "Everything Scifi and the Parodies we love to write"
Disclaimer: None of these are mine, but they sure are funny together!
Pairings: None, unless Tasha humping Data's Headless body counts...
Summary: The Plot is still a mystery to our fearless characters. Sam has begun leaping from
character to character presumably to find the plot. Will he
ever find one? Will Riker be able to get noticed by the
blondes at
Babewatch? Does anyone know
who is immortal and who is not?Find out in this exciting
chapter of Chaos Unlimited!
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three