Title: Interference and Interruption, Or: Sirius Black Broke Out Of Azkaban And Everyone Seemed To Think It Was Bernard's Business
seraphina_snapeFandoms: Black Books/Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Notes: Set Black Books back in time to coincide with HP book 3. Contains canon-compliant abusive behaviour from Bernard towards Manny (aka him treating Manny like his house elf).
Character(s): Bernard Black, Manny, some HP characters (Dumbledore & McGongall, Amelia Bones), some OCs
Summary: Sirius Black breaks out of Azkaban and suddenly all kinds of people (wizards, goblins, headmasters) start showing up in Bernard Black's bookshop. Bernard dusts off his wand and sets about convincing people that his older brother definitely doesn't want to kill him. (Well. He's not so much convincing people as he is chucking people out on their ear, but why split hairs?)
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