Title: Worlds Beyond the Horizons
Franchises: One Tree Hill, Power Rangers, Pretty Little Liars, and certain character appearances from different franchises in between most noticeably Laura Knight from L.A. Complex and Allison Rafferty from Chicago Fire who has a different origin in this story.
Rating: PG
Summary: After a series of events that altered their lives forever, Brooke Davis and Peyton Sawyer decide to embark on separate journeys into the many different worlds they recently discovered. Brooke lands in a world in desperate need of a police force, whilst Peyton enters a world where half the town’s people have too much time on their hands. Since we're at the current chapter, I might as well reveal it. Yup, the One Tree Hill characters have superpowers. Though we see it more from Brooke's side in this story since she's in a world where she needs to use them. Find out how they got these powers.
A/N: This story takes place in an alternate universe that I’m expanding and happens well after the events of other stories that I’ve thought of, but haven’t written yet, so expect certain things to already be established in this story. I’ll do my best to provide info for the previous events as much as the story allows, I promise. This story actually takes place in the same AU as my other story
Applied Tactics to Urban Combat. However, either story is able to stand on its own.
Chapter 2