Title: The Curve
joshtin4lyfe Fandoms: Thor, Avengers, Tom Hiddleston RPF, Pretty Little Liars
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Het, FemSlash, RPF
Pairings: Loki/Hanna, Emily/Paige, Spencer/Toby, Aria/Ezra, Emily/Spencer
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. It's probably safer for them that way.
Word Count: ~4,900 words
Warning: Kinky Sex, Dom/Sub, Student/Teacher, May/December Relationship
Summary: With all of the stresses of her life threatening to bury her, Hanna Marin makes a deal with her Chemistry teacher, Mr. Laufeyson, so that she will not fail out of school. She plays a dangerous game, betting her wits against his to come out on top, but in the end, would she lose it all?
“His piercing blue eyes bore into her anxious azures until she was the first one to blink and look away. Why did he fluster her so much? If she could face the likes of Wilden, why was a mere teacher shaking her to the core?”
A/N: Read & Review gives us authors life!
Chapter 1
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