Title: The Real First Contact Job
seraphina_snapeFandoms: Leverage & Men in Black
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 10k
Warnings: some language, the type of violence (and exploding aliens) you'd see on the show/in the movie
Pairings: Parker/Hardison - to the extent their relationship is featured on the show, so this is mostly gen (Nate/Sophie are not explicitly mentioned as a couple)
Character(s): The Leverage team, Jay from Men in Black
Summary: The team has a couple of clients with a fantastical story, Parker has a secret and Agent Jay from the MIB still looks way better than anyone else in that suit.
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on AO3 Title: Vampire in the Woods
seraphina_snapeFandoms: Teen Wolf & Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 3400
Warnings: General season 3 spoilers for Teen Wolf (about the alpha pack, but nothing specific). Violence at a level you'd see on either show (blood and ripped-off body parts included)
Pairings: none
Character(s): Stiles, Ethan & Aiden, Derek, Peter and Isaac from Teen Wolf; Xander and Spike from Buffy
Summary: Stiles is running for his life - nothing new there. But as he's being chased through the woods, he stumbles over two guys burying a body. Stiles is pretty sure that is it for him, especially when one of the guys turns out to be a vampire.
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