Fic: We're Not In Sunnydale Anymore 6/?

Aug 01, 2013 13:25

Title: We're Not In Sunnydale Anymore
Author: carley9
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Dragonball Z
Characters: Buffy & the DBZ Cast
Pairing(s): Buffy/Vegeta, Buffy/Trunks, Bulma/Vegeta, Bulma/Yamcha, Goku/Chi-chi
Rating: PG/PG-13 (Mild Violence)

Set after BtVS 5x22: The Gift and taking place during the Trunks through Cell Games saga for DBZ. Goes AU after that.
Disclaimer: Any recognizable characters belong to their respective owners. I do this for fun, not for profit.
Summary:  When Buffy fell through the portal, she landed in the Dragonball Z universe.

Links (to the start of the series): LJ, FF.Net, & AO3
          (to the newest chapter): LJ (have to scroll down), FF.Net, & AO3

fandom: dragonball z, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer

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