Title: Convergence and Dispersals
kymericlFandoms: Supernatural, X-Men (and First Class), Heroes.
Pairings: Dean/Cas, Peter/Sylar, Charles/Erik, Raven/Hank, Peter/Dean, Sam/Charles, one-sided Hank/Charles, Scott/Logan, Hank/Alex.
Genre: action, suspense, humour, H/C, slice of life, fantasy.
Rating: R
Warning: violence, mentions of past abuse (and murder), minor character death, lots of swearing, het and homosexual slash.
Word Count: ~42k // split into 11 chapters (well, 10 technically).
lornrocks ,
miss_bagel ,
theendermen ,
undrscoredom2nd ,
midorihaven &
kimberlelly. Thank you so much to all of you!
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing; please don't sue me. I'm poor anyway.
Summary: Dean is the only one out of the loop. Then, when the secret Sam and Peter have been hiding comes out, he wishes he stayed the hell out of the loop. Luckily, there’s a new supernatural creature that appears, and it keeps Dean company. Meanwhile, Sylar meets his polar opposite (and doesn’t quite hate him), Charles heals a broken bird, Hank gets his heart broken a few times, and a few strays end up at the Xavier mansion.