Title: History Lessons
Author: Trista_zevkia
Chapter: 1/1
Fandom: Batman, Superman, Sherlock BBC, and Torchwood if you squint.
SLASH unless otherwise indicated. No slash here :(
Characters/Pairing: Mycroft Holmes, Lex Luthor, 'Anthea' and Mercy
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Summary: The historic first meeting of Arch-enemies Not-so-anonymous?
Disclaimer: All this happened, more or less
Author's Notes:
Exbex lovingly beta'd this for me a while back, so all remaining mistakes are mine. It took so long to post because I let somebody else read it and she was all 'this is crap.' Consider that your warning, somebody didn't like it. I tend to value
Exbex's opinion more.
History lessons