Gone and Back Again 9/? Glee/Torchwood Crossover

Oct 24, 2011 19:43

Title-Gone and Back Again
Disclaimer-Don't own Glee or Torchwood
Warnings-AU.Character death(Torchwood) Slash, Bullying and in later chapters maybe a bit of torture-Torchwood style. A couple of OC's.
Pairings-Eventual Kurt/Blaine Past Ianto/Jack-Past Gwen/Jack-Rhys/Gwen Unrequited Kurt/Jack(kind of)
Main Character/Focus-Kurt Hummel, his family and Blaine. Ianto in a weird way as well. Blaine comes in at Chapter 4
Spoilers-Basically Season 1-2 of both Glee and Torchwood. Some events will happen differently in this story than they did in the shows.

"I'm sorry I slept with Gwen," Kurt's eyes became watery, "I'm sorry I always-set her apart. I'm sorry I always," he shook his head, "I'm sorry that the last time you ever saw me I was kissing Gwen," Jack shook, "I'm sorry that I never…"


Chapter 9

fandom: glee, fandom: torchwood

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