Title: Three Little Words
Author: Koohii Cafe
Fandom: BtVS/Evil Dead Trilogy
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Violence level befitting of BtVS & Army of Darkness, and mild gore (Deadites)
Characters: Ash Williams, Buffy Summers, & Scooby Gang
Disclaimer: Since I am a poor chickadee with no wealth to speak of, I think it's safe to say that neither BtVS nor Evil Dead are mine. ^^;
Summary: How important could three little words possibly be? Buffy Summers and Ash Williams are about to find out exactly how much three tiny words can do, and why it’s always important to say them correctly.
Author's notes: Comics? What comics? >.> This is set post season 7 for Buffy, and just as Ash tries to go home at the end of AoD.
01. Ren Faire Reject 02. Not The Middle Ages 03. Clatoo Verata... Necktie? 04. Mr. Bad-Pick-Up-Line