Title: Of Strange Men and Kitty Cats
Author: Caz251
Summary: The Addams Family are heading up to Scotland to visit some family, leaving Gwen and Rhys to cat sit.
Characters: The Addams Family, the Torchwood team, Rhys, Kitty Cat and Cousin Archienius (The strange man in Glasgow).
Spoilers: Spoilers for Torchwood and The Addams Family
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: I don't own either the Addams Family or Torchwood, no matter how hard I wish it were so.
AN: Another short story in my Addams Family/Torchwood universe, this is set after A Party To Die For and Cooking With The Kids. Criticism is welcomed, be it constructive or not.
Fic Masterlist
Here Other Stories in this universe
Here Story Masterlist
Here Chapter 5
http://caz251.dreamwidth.org/110758.html Chapter 6