Up, Up & AwayAuthor:
tinx_rFandom: Riptide/Starsky & Hutch crossover
Genre/Rating: Gen (as gen as the shows, anyhow), PG
Wordcount: 8600 words total
Pairing/Characters: Nick Ryder, Cody Allen, Dave Starsky, Ken Hutchinson
starsky_hutchNotes/Warnings: Originally and always for my dearest
nickygabriel, and these final chapters also for my dear
hardboiledbaby. Starsky & Hutch Post-Sweet Revenge; Riptide pre-canon.
Summary: Starsky and Hutch are private detectives these days, but Captain Dobey's still calling the shots. When they run across a couple of vets-turned-beach-bums and Dobey asks them to take a look, no-one could foresee the results. Least of all the counterfeiters...
Up, Up & Away